“Le persone sono il pilastro della nostra organizzazione, con il loro agire quotidiano hanno reso possibile questa nostra storia”
A. Bastianello
The brands

Supermarkets and superstores

Convenience store

Urban proximity supermarkets

Discount Supermarkets

Franchised large-scale retail channel

Online shopping
The numbers of the Group

Gruppo Pam includes 1040 stores in Italy located in 12 regions, divided into Ipermercati Panorama, Pam Supermarkets and Superstore, Convenience Store Pam Local and the new 2019 Pam City, the urban proximity stores. The discount stores iN’s count more than 550 stores in the country.
Real estate assets
in square meters
With 715K square meters of real estate, Gruppo Pam confirms its presence on national territory.

Millions in revenue
Despite the change of the shopping habits, in 2020 the Group registered 3 millions € in revenue, following the actual development plan.
The goal of Gruppo Pam is to understand the customers’ needs, offering high-quality products at their competitive price, with a special regard for the thorough offer.
After the latest openings in 2019 and the upcoming ones, Gruppo Pam counts almost 9.5K employees, the pillar of the company,
engaged daily in offering a full and professional service to our customers.